// Seek the calm

Are you actively seeking moments of peace or are you welcoming chaos at every turn? Life inevitably includes both calm and chaos, but sometimes we must actively seek moments of peace - we must be the keepers of our own peace.

Here are 5 ideas to keep the peace this holiday season.

1. Draw yourself a bath, lock the doors, and soak in silence.
2. Practice a combo of Ahimsa + Satya - yogic principles that translate to, among other things, tell the truth but do no harm. Living your truth is necessary for peace of mind, but saying everything on your mind isn’t. If it’s necessary for your own peace, speak the truth, but try not to do unnecessary harm in the process.
3. Take a few deep breathes in nature…..or anywhere. Making your exhales twice as long as your inhales will calm your nervous system and create an instant moment of peace.
4. Spend time by yourself and re-connect with your inner being. journal, meditate, read or whatever else you like to do alone.
5. Go the middle way - avoid extremes in anything and save your nervous system.

How could actively seeking the peace help you to burn slow, not out this holiday season?

Photo: Goncalo Claro