Slow Burn Tools

Explore My Integrative Wellness Toolkit

Free Tools

The Stress Quiz

The Stress Audit

The Wellness
Budget Template

My Integrative
Reading List

Free Meditations

The Slow
Burn Brief

Paid Tools

The Integrative
Self-Care Kits

The Integrative Fulfilment

Coming 02 | 21 | 25

The Slow Burn
Daily Habits

Coming 02 | 23 | 25

The Integrative

Coming 3 | 1 | 25

Rest for

Coming 3 | 8 | 25

The Slow Burn Meditation

Coming 3 | 15 | 25

The Integrative Wellness Self-Care Kits
One time

This online tool helps you create deeply personalized integrative wellness self-care kits tailored to support your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being during life's ups and downs. Designed to grow and evolve alongside you, these kits provide customized resources to help you navigate challenges and celebrate successes.