A Cognitive Re-frame Exercise to Shift Out of the Mental Stress Loop

This exercise takes only 5 minutes and and can change your mindset from stressed and limited to resilient and proud. Give it a try next time you are stuck in a destructive mental stress loop. This is a great exercise to do at the end of your work day or before bed to transition to a more peaceful evening at home or a more restful sleep.

Step One: Identify the Source of Stress

Write down everything that is causing you stress in this moment.


  1. I had to stay late at work to finish a deadline that could not be pushed.

  2. I missed my planned workout and had to pay a late-cancel penalty fee to the studio.

  3. I am not going to hit my goal of 3 workouts this week.

  4. My body feels tense from the pressure of hitting this deadline and a long period of sitting at my desk.

  5. I feel disconnected from my friends right now and haven’t made as much of an effort to connect with them lately.

  6. My partner was upset with me for not answering their calls this evening and communicating where I was.

  7. Sometimes I get so engrossed in work, I forget what I truly value most.

Step Two: Come Into the Present Moment

Take a deep breath and ask yourself: Am I safe in this moment?

If yes, continue to step three. If not, contact a friend, family member, or emergency service for support and get to a place of safety.

Step Three: Shift Your Mind Into Gratitude

Write down three things that you feel grateful for in this moment.


  1. I live in a peaceful country where there is currently no war.

  2. I no longer have a cold and felt healthy enough to workout today.

  3. I live in an apartment I once only dreamed of having.

Step Four: Finish Strong

Write down 3 things you are proud of accomplishing in your life.


  1. I graduated from University - I struggled in the beginning but pulled through and finished strong.

  2. I worked 2 jobs for 1 year to save up and backpack around Europe one summer - It was a hard year but the trip was worth the sacrifice.

  3. I moved to Paris for a year without a security net - It was one of the best things to ever happen to me.

Why this works:

The brain can only focus on one thing at a time. In this exercise we bring what is causing us stress into conscious awareness. The actual root cause of the stress might surprise you. You acknowledge the stressful thoughts, without trying to change or fix them. Sometimes all you can do in this moment is accept what IS and try again tomorrow. When you come into the present moment and your body with a deep breath, you are practicing mindfulness and begin the shift. From there we bring the brain into gratitude and positivity. By finishing with what we are proud of we realize that sometimes the challenges of life lead to the things we are most proud of. We leave the exercise feeling proud and resilient and can continue our day in that frame of mind.


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